Kyoto Japanese Style umbrella
The Kyowa umbrella is one of the most famous Japanese umbrellas. In Japan, our umbrellas are handcrafted by stretching Japanese traditional paper called “Washi” on a frame made of natural materials such as bamboo or wood. Umbrellas are made by experienced craftmen in Kyoto. These umbrellas possess a delicate frame on the inside, a transparent feeling unique to Japanese paper and the beautiful red color that has always been transmitted since ancient times in Japan help us color the stage as we please.
Kyoto Folding fan
Kyo-Fan is a fan originally made in Kyoto or its surroundings, and is a trademark only used by registered members. The Kyo-Fan we use is called “Mai Ougi” specially crafted for dance purposes. Mai-Fans are hand-made by craftmens, again in Kyoto, from bamboo and paper. The resistance of the wind combined with the handling of the fingertips creates a beautiful movement, reminding of flowers’ petals dancing. In our performance, we decided to combine both technique from traditional dance and dance using a fan.
"Shoken Kimono"
Pure silk Kimono
"Shoken Kimono"
"Shoken Kimono"
Our original costume is made from “Kimono”, which is a traditional Japanese costume. Kimono is usually used as a daily clothe in Japan, but lately, it is mostly used during formal meetings. Kimonos which are made from hand-dyed pure silk are expensive and because of their high value, they are often passed generations to generations. We can distinguish men kimonos from women kimonos, because womens’ one is decorated with lucky charms, flowery patterns adding to that. All the costumes worn during performances are original designs costumes made by unwinding expensive “Shoken” kimono. From our feedback, the beauty of silk is unique to our performances and have been well received by our guests.


Folding Workshop
In this private session, we will teach you simple techniques of traditional Japanese dance by learning how to hold a Japanese fan for example. If requested, we can make a choreography for you so we can dance together.
Capacity : up to 20 people

Back Dancer
You can appear as a Back Dancer representing our team, after having a discussion together. (Activities are such as, called for dancing with an artist, etc...) If necessary, you can make choreography using different Japanese techniques and fans or umbrella. If you are interested please contact us.

商業施設イベント 地域イベント
20分ステージ・季節行事用リクエスト演目 など
北海道グリーンランド、サッポロファクトリーアトリウム、アリオ札幌、三笠北海盆踊り、長万部クリスマスパーティー、萬蔵祭、札幌歩行者天国だい・どん・でん! など

企業イベント レセプション
10分ショートステージ・20分ステージ など
RADIO T&T FMドラマシティ開局記念レセプション余興、札幌ライラックライオンズクラブ周年記念レセプション余興 など

福祉施設行事 文化交流会
20分ステージ・リクエストパーカッション体験・扇子体験交流会 など
福祉村夏祭り、友愛ナーシングホーム敬老祭、岩内あけぼの学園 ギリシャ・アテネ孤児院 など

20分ステージ・コラボレーション など
札幌芸術の森野外ステージ Lost World、ギリシャ・アテネシンタグマ広場 JAPAN WEEK、東京ビッグサイト真夏のデザインフェスタ など

舞台 コンサートホール
舞台作品・リクエスト演目 など
教育文化会館森の時間SNOW HOKKAIDO竹あかりコンサート、スイス・ダボスコングレスセンターJAPANIMANGA NIGHT、ギリシャ・アテネコンサートホールMEGARON JAPAN WEEK、GIVE PEACE A CHANCE!ジョンレノン追悼コンサートなど

テレビ ラジオ
リクエスト演目 など
STV 熱烈!ホットサンド! ラジオカロスサッポロ森の時間愉快な仲間たち FMアップル森の時間SNOW HOKKAIDO STVどさんこワイドお絵かきですよ など

フラッシュモブ 振付 バックダンサー ワークショップ
リクエスト振付およびゲスト様へのレッスン など
披露宴フラッシュモブ振付・出演 チャリティーコンサート森の時間SNOW HOKKAIDO竹あかりオープニングパフォーマンス振付・出演
LIBI Collection振付・出演 など